Monday, May 09, 2005

Rules of atraction no.1: Atracted to the unreachable

Los seres humanos constantemente nos vemos atraidos a aquello o a alguien que no podemos obtener. Es como si dentro de nuestra naturaleza existiera un mandato que nos impulsa hacia esta atracción. Incluso desde la creacion vemos esta situacion ,aunque el hecho era mas de prohibicion que de inalcanzable. Alguna que otra vez hemos visualizado a alguien, nos sentimos atraido a esta persona que por alguna razón consideramos que nunca caerian bajo nuestros encantos pq they are out of our league.. or they are just not for us(But we dont know it yet..) Anyways we carry on with this atraction; if we dont know them, we manage our ways to meet them or to get important info on our "crush". Si esta persona es común para otras que son nuestros amigos. es mucho más fácil,y la atraccion se va aminorando pq hasta cierto punto lo que nos atrae es el misterio , lo que no conocemos y lo que queremos conocer. Cuando pasamos a la etapa de "be friends" , in which we star hanging out with these people it can move in three different paths:
a. You can continue being friends and stay there.
b. You manage your way to be more than friends
c. You 'll get dissapointed of what you 've found out of that person that once you thought appealing.
Sometimes things just arent as expected( to be honest is better not to have any expectations) They could be surprising at the end or very upsetting. Maybe we found out that the other person had also a crush on us. That's the ideal,In some cases that becomes true after a while.. years i reckon.
But somehow we all like to feel that impossible atraction. The truth is you get tired at the end of struggling for something that it wasnt meant to be. So the best is just to admit the atraction, and move fwd... not keep feeding it coz it might get ugly.
Til next

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