Thursday, July 07, 2005

Paper chat @teraputik

a: If you really dont mind then why worry?
b: im afraid of being vulnerable, and not getting the terms of dating..
a: To you i say this: long have you wondered in the dark, it is time to stop dwelling under the night come out and see the light. It is time for you to try another flavor.
b: yes i think you ´re right , i should try dating . I want candyyy
a: Try out !! Dont think about it and have fun. Maybe the flavor of the month suits you.
B: the flavor of the month... uhmm what would that be? chocolate is always good. Could it be strawberry or vanilla or hazelnut? uhmm ???!!!! I still gotta find out which flavor is it
Anyways. today we´ve learned something very important.

Sex avoids cancer..!!! so there you go.
im STILL wondering about the flavorrr.. but i want to try it whatever it is.

1 comment:

sarah said...

To be honest, i dont like the new flavor.. i´ll stick to the old one although is getting me sick..