Sunday, January 01, 2006

having fuck buddies.

Fuck buddies are just another reason for avoid compromise

Why not having a relationship with all that comes ?
Not able to be responsible, and stable. Whats wrong with all that?? too politically correct??. I know.

But is less hurt and more peaceful i assure you that.

What happens is that fuck buddies are the result of a decision made by the personality, the physical part of us, through fear of compromise. If you make decisions in order to learn and clean up karma, through fear you will only generate feelings of guilt, regret, sorrow and unhappyness. Your being guided by physical aspect, therefore you ´ll never reach a higher level of concience. (if you read the ¨seat of the soul¨by gary zukav. you´ll understand it ).

If you make wise decisions following the soul´s guidance, the results will be eliminating some karma, and learning. In this case, fuck buddies are the illusion of the need of love. Aunque ustedes consideren que no hay ningun sentimiento en lo absoluto en este convenio entre dos adultos.
Sin embargo pq most of people end up feeling somethin when they are not supposed too.??
Coz they believe in the illusion. perhaps??
Creating new karma... through insecurity
Then comes the doubt.
Do you really think is useful? Yes is satisfies the needs of the personality to be loved. But it just creates a greater emptyness. ANALIZE IT.
Either way is your lives not mine, im no judge of today´s youth or society.
I´ve chosen the way of the soul. Less harmfull, more fullfilling.

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