No. 1OOTH post
May 2005: I observe and i write down.Im a witness of my generation
Once upon in February 2005, i decided to start a blog... Well mainly because someone else i loved started one, and old competitive me had to prove im skilled for writting. I ´ve been writting in a journal for so long now.However It was valentine´s day eve... No date and depressed.. Someone showed me a blog. then the rest of my writting became public as is now seen. I didnt started it with no other purpose but screaming out
Honestly... Being Heartbroken led me into this.
Irónicamente... Being in love also has kept me writting
De todas formas hay muchas cosas de que hablar en este post 100. Ha pasado 1 año y 1/2. Differents adventures, differents stories, a lot of new people, new friends ,same old foes.
Comencé siendo estudiante de medicina, ya hoy soy interna y me queda un año para graduarme.
I guess im very outspoken, but when it comes to my sometimes nazi noncatholic comments on population control or my most stupid paranoias or anything my narcoleptic imagination comes across, I have to write it down.Here am i Letting the world inside my head get out..
Throught out this time i ´ve dealed with my insecurities when it comes to relationships, profession My life and my choices. I´ve hesitate to make them..
I wasnt like this.
I guess i let myself be influenced by environment or people. Fortunetly im coming back to myself.
Im putting heart to it, not scrutinizing exhaustedtly every detail with my mind.
(writting became an exorcism.
Or just a way of d´-stressing.)
For now.I think I m gonna stop feeding the demons in my heAD.
Does that mean im gonna stop writting? No. There are positive things to write.
There are lots of things happening these days. Lo mas chulo de todo esto es que siempre me quedan ideas por plasmar. Creo que para el post 101.. Voy con mi tesis de la normalidad...
También a través de la Blogsfera he adquirido conocimientos nuevos , nuevas palabras, situaciones, etc.. (Bueno creo que la enciclopedia Lotigre con sus diversos tomos ha sido muy útil. )
I guess i gotta say thanks to everybody who has been part of my life, to my family,friends, foes, guys... teachers, coleagues. To all of u
who had made my life less ordinary.
In a way this has also been a way of dealind with the absence of My sis!! LLinis I misss u SO much!! But thee is very far away! ( Australia no es alli mismo no!!!) .
Ok besides that this blog is a way of transmitting information, c´est un facon de m´echappe.
de veras que lo mejor de todo esto que es que TE conoci ...
Como diria mi hermana. una forma muy generation ¨Y ¨de conocer personas.
Tenia que poner tu foto!!
Pero mientras tanto algunas fotos!..
Ahora cierro un ciclo y comienzo otro con esperanzas y miedos, Pero con mucha Fe en Dios de que el camino será más fácil, y como dice un anuncio Todo es cuestión de tiempo.
Estoy en la recta final de mi carrera, un poco triste pq todos estamos separados. Solamente les recuerdo que eso no implica que mas nunca nos vayamos a ver. Cada quien sabe donde vive cada quien.
En cuanto a el Blog... Uhm bueno quizás ahora escribiré más. However i feel like saying goodbye. Dont know why.. Será pq todo el mundo se esta yendo de RepUBLICA Dominicana a buscar mejor vida. A mi me llegará el Tiempo de irme tambien. La pregunta es si se vuelve???
Noc. No quiero estar triste. Ya el verano se acaba y mañana empiezo the Real First Day of my life ... BUeno casI.
Ill keep u Posted!
Pd: i thank YOU for breaking my heart, but also for
teaching me patience .
There is light at the end of the tunnel ,right?
i Just found it!