Sunday, May 22, 2005

Rules of atraction no.2:Bizarre love triangle

We´ve met the man/woman of my dreams... but its taken by someone else....
It has happen to some of us.. we feel atracted to someone that has a couple. algunos se enredan en the bizarre love triangle pursuing the object of afection or trying to consume desires.But at the end one of the angles most be left out. Its not fair right? But why do we decide to go on with these situations? Is not healthy and love is a pair thing not a 3 way!!
Lets focus on the atraction not in the action.

We have a crush on someone that has all the appealings, all the points needed in order to be our couple.That person is nice, courtious,etc... and also is someone we kinda know. That person likes somebody else that is not even atracted to them or they might be.
In the first situation, in which the object of afection of our crush doesnt give a fuck about it, we feel sorry for the person we care.. sort of, and we wish that they could notice us and see us with those eyes. It doens happen.. or it might one day 2 late.

The other situation is worst, we are in the middle . Maybe those two people belong together and we just dont. You dont see it that way, maybe after awhile we things get broken. In the meantime we suffer coz somebody else got what we once thought it could be ours.

We linger .. at the middle or We linger to exile , searching for more interesting sightseeings.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Lolita's sindrome reverse..

I go somewhere with my mom or with my dad.Im dress as a student.. normal jeans,sandals and a shirt. Or in another situation im dress all cutie.

I feel the lustfull eyes behind my butt..But unfortunately this dont belong to a hunk, they are from a guy old enough to be my dad, or simplemente con demasiados años para mi gusto.(Rango 21-26. De alguno u otra forma siento que les soy atractiva a la mayoria de hombres maduros que me encuentro. Uff lo detesto, it just gives me the creeps y tambien lo considero como una total falta de respeto a las mujeres de su edad. Obviamente tal atraccion no es expresa salvo con la mirada o con el comentario de " que hija tan bonita tiene sr/sra". No es mi intencion llamar su atencion si no llamar la atencion de los jevitos. Pero se da el siguiente fenomeno: I have found out the most of the guys my age dont admire a girl with my qualities in such explicit way, the majority has forgotten how to be a gentleman with this whole feminism going on. Y casi todos han olvidado el arte de piropear a una chica.
Muchas de las cosas que todavia conserva el hombre maduro... o quizas un poco mas de mi rango.

Tambien los chicos estan ensimismados en ser alguien , y no pueden ver muchas cosas obvias.Para lo cual ya el hombre mayor si tiene tiempo.
Sera por eso lo de este sindrome al reves.
Repito no es que me gustan, nio los incito, simple y llanamente con mi sola presencia they look up to me.I still dont get it.

Sometimes i think it is due to the fact of my personality, a bit to mature for my kind, im not dumb nor superficial. Or could it be that older guys already aknowledge a true diamond?

In the mean time so far i've never considered dating a guy that is not within the 5 years range. Further that i just gasp for thoses oldies that look good ( Hail to Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Pierce Brosnan)
And so far im think i'll ever will. Im not criticizing anyone that has dated or even married a guys much older.. It just not my thing. But the main idea of this blog is to figure out why older guys feel apealed for younger girls.. And why guys in those girls age range dont feel that way??????? I hope i'll get an answer ,and that viejevos stop looking at me.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Rules of atraction no.1: Atracted to the unreachable

Los seres humanos constantemente nos vemos atraidos a aquello o a alguien que no podemos obtener. Es como si dentro de nuestra naturaleza existiera un mandato que nos impulsa hacia esta atracción. Incluso desde la creacion vemos esta situacion ,aunque el hecho era mas de prohibicion que de inalcanzable. Alguna que otra vez hemos visualizado a alguien, nos sentimos atraido a esta persona que por alguna razón consideramos que nunca caerian bajo nuestros encantos pq they are out of our league.. or they are just not for us(But we dont know it yet..) Anyways we carry on with this atraction; if we dont know them, we manage our ways to meet them or to get important info on our "crush". Si esta persona es común para otras que son nuestros amigos. es mucho más fácil,y la atraccion se va aminorando pq hasta cierto punto lo que nos atrae es el misterio , lo que no conocemos y lo que queremos conocer. Cuando pasamos a la etapa de "be friends" , in which we star hanging out with these people it can move in three different paths:
a. You can continue being friends and stay there.
b. You manage your way to be more than friends
c. You 'll get dissapointed of what you 've found out of that person that once you thought appealing.
Sometimes things just arent as expected( to be honest is better not to have any expectations) They could be surprising at the end or very upsetting. Maybe we found out that the other person had also a crush on us. That's the ideal,In some cases that becomes true after a while.. years i reckon.
But somehow we all like to feel that impossible atraction. The truth is you get tired at the end of struggling for something that it wasnt meant to be. So the best is just to admit the atraction, and move fwd... not keep feeding it coz it might get ugly.
Til next

Friday, May 06, 2005

Universe against me.

Lately i've realized theres a conspiracy going on against me coming from the Universe. It seems that everytime i have the urge to go out and have fun , i just cant, for stupid reasons i stay home and it sucks very much, specially if is a friday night. It'is as if a cursed was set upon me. I really had it, im sick of reading, talking, chatting and watching tv. I want to have fun with some friends. BUt everybody have better plans on a friday night.. dates, family issues or just not in the f... mood. Toy harta de que siempre sea cuando yo quiero salir. NO es justo.
Ya si alguien quiere salir HOY.. give a call.. I need to see the neon lights of the cityy

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Puerto Plata

I had like 10 yrs without going to Puerto Plata. I miss those huge waves and that "not so clear water " of the Atlantic ocean. I went to take of the misery of my farmacology grade. Also to refresh the view with some eye candies jiij(pero no habia muchos que digamos). La pase bien. chilling and watching the most beautiful accesories at the mall in the playa dorada complex, i also met with my friend eliany to whom i owe a picture . Anyways next time we should schedule a trip to sosua o cabarete o pq no de nuevo a puerto plata.. un super coro denle mente jeje.


Para todos aquellos que de alguna manera han dejado su influencia en mi vida:

Thanks for the silly moments and comments you made that made me laugh.
Hay muchos recuerdos con mucha gente que ha entrado y salido de mi vida, que quisiera que supieran que de vez en cuando les recuerdo y me da un poco de tristeza el hecho de que no tengo forma de contactarles. Como si se hubiesen esfumado...
Pero hay otros que han sido constantes y con el paso del tiempo y muchas aventuras se ha fortalecido nuestra amistad.
A otros que he llegado a conocer en los ultimos meses y que espero que sigamos asi, juntandonos los viernes ha "dar tijera" y hablar mucha plepla jeje:
Y para aquellos que han sido incondicionables trough my life. Y aquellos con los cuales me he dado muchos bonches tambien. And those with whom i share social conciousness and enviromental or political.
Solo quiero decirles que me han dado consejos muy graciosos, estúpidos y certeros solo con el fin de llevarme hacer lo correcto en el caso.
Hemos compartido momentos que no se volveran a repetir pero que han sido aperisimos!!!
Quisiera que mas que dejarnos llevar por la locura de nuestros ritmos de vida, tomen tiempo para valorar a aquellos que sin ser familia se han convertido en ella y que en mucho de los casos responden mas rápido a nuestro llamado de ayuda ,(por que no tambien de chercha), que tambien muchos de nuestros amig@s saben mas de nuestras vidas y de como somos que nuestros propios padres(lo cual deberia cambiarse un poquito). Anyways all im trying to say here is that somehow im glad that i 've met you in the proper time for it and that i kinda learned a couple of things from you. So i wish you all that you keep you friends the longest possible and dont let gossip or misunderstandings blow it apart. Take care .