Wednesday, January 24, 2007

martes ni te cases ni te embarques...

Martes 23.01.07:

En el folklore latinoamericano el martes siempre se ha asociado a mala suerte.

sin embargo, para mi siempre, como todos los demas dias, aunque con
carino especial,es un buen dia.

El martes empezo bien, como todos los dias.
Salvo ya en la tarde cuando me disponia tomar el metrorail.

Na como siempre, por mas que corra nunca puedo tomar el tren de las 3:27.
Estuve esperando por 10 mins al proximo tren,Southbound, in civic center.

Ese dia, como durante ese semana, me tocaba tomar el autobus
desde dadeland south hasta la parada donde estaria mi familia para recogerme.

Llego a la estacion del metro, corro escaleras abajo hacia la bustop.
Ahi espero por la #34. Esa es la expreso. Solo 3 paradas.

Hago fila. durante los 2 mins de espera hay un pana que me mira y me dice : do you work at jackson's?
Yo le veo el id badge y le digo que si, then he asked me if i was a resident or a student, to which i replied that i was a student.
Then he said: from the latin american program right... so where r u from? a todo esto el esta hablando con un acento. Le dije que D.R. y ahi llego la guagua y subi.
Pa colmo el pana iba en mi guagua too, y se me sento al lado.
Here is where things started to get unconfortable.

Yo me sente, saque mi libro y comence a leer, con tal de que el pana no me hablara. Oh pero el siguio. Me conto que hizo una licenciatura en bioquimica en su Natal Cuba,investigando el clonaje..( yes no la clonacion!!) con adn etc.. y me pregunto( osea, no se que era lo que el taba pensando que yo era pero na..) Que si yo sabia lo que era bioquimica, a lo cual le respondi que es una materia de primer anio en medicina. Pos el pana siguio hablando bullshit.. y tirandome dique tu sabes lo que es fosfolipasa, papiloma virus etc..
Yo como que ok!!

Osea pana... usted se pone hablar pupu, y quiere insultar mi inteligencia. Le dije que yo soy medico. y que claro que se de todos los disparate que el taba hablando!!!

para rematar mi suerte, el autobus broke down, just a few blokes away from the station. Y despues nosotros no quejamos) Lo bueno del caso es que estos tienen como 2 meses nada mas que los pusieron en servicio, son they are kind of brand new. Nos tuvimos que apear de la guagua a esperar que el chofer de la nuestra llamara refuerzos y nos recogieran.

Ahi fue que el pana me frikio, pq ya comenzaba hacer prguntas personales, such as cuanto tiempo tienes, cuanto te vas a quedar, donde vives etc..
SO in all this questions i lied protecting myself. ( My paranoia was running low til that moment.. i just which it was triggerd since the beggining.)

Ya el frio de hoy me ta congelando la mano, so i 'll make this story short. El tipo ese sale con que i should have his number, coz its so cool to find someone smart enought to talk about those things.. coz most the gringos dont study, they dotn know about much stuff. bla bka.

Despues el como que salta con que manana te invito almorzar a las 11 en el food pavillion del jackson/.

A lo cual respondi con un baraje full.. Yo tengo cirugia justo a esa hora. SOrry.

Despues he just didnt give up. he asked me about my boyfriend, to which i responded with the fact the he's coming this weekend to stay. He just said he's lucky , and smart pq supo escoger una muchacha inteligente y muy linda.

Ya ahi fui salvada por la guagua 31, que auqnue es lenta, la tome con tal de salir de ese tipo. Y llegar a mi casa safe and sound.

I told this story to mom, idia, andrew (my cousins here) . Andrew just told me to backing hiim off next time, and gave me MACE and some other security stuff.

I just wish i dont met him again.

: ni te cases ni te embarques ni de
tu familia te apartes.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

metrorail,bus and stations/

By the end of week 2 here in miami, i've learned which bus gets me faster to home at 7 pm.

I realized that i've gotta study a lot, and for that i need internet. Which i have to share with my family here, therefore there isnt much reading going on.

On saturday im starting a belly dance class..( yep to keep in shape... )
Changes are good, as long as u get used to them fast. As usual cada enero mi año entra con mucha resaca de diciembre pasado, pero feliz y contento jeje. Solo hay que coger el piso. Non stop./
Almost everything u might eat here
gets you fat :(
Me tengo que levantar a las 5:30, acostarme a las 9 :30.. y pasarme el dia entero sleepwalking. That's the life of the medstudent/interno.
El comienzo de esta semana fue bueno. lunes feriado ( Martin Luther King jr. Day) y hoy termine temprano. Tiempo que he dedicado a escribir aqui. Mis memorias de esta experiencia.
ps:im sleepy./

Friday, January 05, 2007

Al fin.. @ jackson memorial hospital


Salida avion a las 3:00- Llegada 4:20 pm at Miami intl airport. De ahi mi prima Idia me recoge y nos vamos a su casa que queda un poco lejos... ( mas aun de donde yo vivo alla). Llegamos a la casa y ya era tiempo de preparar la cena. So basically today was just to catch up and make the schedule 4 tomorrow morning, in which i had orientation for the William J. Harrington latin american program.

I made my lunchbag, take my outfit out my luggage Go to sleep after talking with my friends.

01.02.06 : Woke up early so i could catch the metrorail . For the 3rd time in my life i was gonna take metro.It was nice,to be honest i expected the worst. So i got on metro at 7 30 am. Got to the Jackson Memorial Hospital at 8. Got lost looking for the William J Harrington offices at the jackson medical towers. But i kept on asking til i got there, 2nd first as usual. Merari was first. I met lots of other people that day. 4 mexicans, 1 colombian,3 brasileiros.

That day we get to know our way around.
The next day january the 3rd, i was supposed to report myself to my contact at surgery, which i did at 9 am. She gave me my program and to whom i should report at surgery dpt. But unfortunately i didnt have my id yet, so couldnt go do that. What i did that day was basically paperwork at the computer. Stuff i needed to do for the program itself. So it wasnt such a waste after all.

Still waiting for Ids. Left the hospital early, went to miami Library. Visited my cousins office.My best friend virginia called.

01.05.06. Finally i get the id badge, reported myself to Dr. Panos, attending for Cardiothoracic Surgery (Ct surg). He seems nice. I met him right at the OR, i watched a apical bullaectomy by VATS. Not much. but hey its a start.

Weekend: Mall trip... $$hopping... resting eating.. laundry. Back to sleep.

And thats end of week 1!