Tuesday, January 16, 2007

metrorail,bus and stations/

By the end of week 2 here in miami, i've learned which bus gets me faster to home at 7 pm.

I realized that i've gotta study a lot, and for that i need internet. Which i have to share with my family here, therefore there isnt much reading going on.

On saturday im starting a belly dance class..( yep to keep in shape... )
Changes are good, as long as u get used to them fast. As usual cada enero mi año entra con mucha resaca de diciembre pasado, pero feliz y contento jeje. Solo hay que coger el piso. Non stop./
Almost everything u might eat here
gets you fat :(
Me tengo que levantar a las 5:30, acostarme a las 9 :30.. y pasarme el dia entero sleepwalking. That's the life of the medstudent/interno.
El comienzo de esta semana fue bueno. lunes feriado ( Martin Luther King jr. Day) y hoy termine temprano. Tiempo que he dedicado a escribir aqui. Mis memorias de esta experiencia.
ps:im sleepy./

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