Thursday, May 12, 2005

Lolita's sindrome reverse..

I go somewhere with my mom or with my dad.Im dress as a student.. normal jeans,sandals and a shirt. Or in another situation im dress all cutie.

I feel the lustfull eyes behind my butt..But unfortunately this dont belong to a hunk, they are from a guy old enough to be my dad, or simplemente con demasiados aƱos para mi gusto.(Rango 21-26. De alguno u otra forma siento que les soy atractiva a la mayoria de hombres maduros que me encuentro. Uff lo detesto, it just gives me the creeps y tambien lo considero como una total falta de respeto a las mujeres de su edad. Obviamente tal atraccion no es expresa salvo con la mirada o con el comentario de " que hija tan bonita tiene sr/sra". No es mi intencion llamar su atencion si no llamar la atencion de los jevitos. Pero se da el siguiente fenomeno: I have found out the most of the guys my age dont admire a girl with my qualities in such explicit way, the majority has forgotten how to be a gentleman with this whole feminism going on. Y casi todos han olvidado el arte de piropear a una chica.
Muchas de las cosas que todavia conserva el hombre maduro... o quizas un poco mas de mi rango.

Tambien los chicos estan ensimismados en ser alguien , y no pueden ver muchas cosas obvias.Para lo cual ya el hombre mayor si tiene tiempo.
Sera por eso lo de este sindrome al reves.
Repito no es que me gustan, nio los incito, simple y llanamente con mi sola presencia they look up to me.I still dont get it.

Sometimes i think it is due to the fact of my personality, a bit to mature for my kind, im not dumb nor superficial. Or could it be that older guys already aknowledge a true diamond?

In the mean time so far i've never considered dating a guy that is not within the 5 years range. Further that i just gasp for thoses oldies that look good ( Hail to Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Pierce Brosnan)
And so far im think i'll ever will. Im not criticizing anyone that has dated or even married a guys much older.. It just not my thing. But the main idea of this blog is to figure out why older guys feel apealed for younger girls.. And why guys in those girls age range dont feel that way??????? I hope i'll get an answer ,and that viejevos stop looking at me.

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