Wednesday, April 04, 2007

the edge. the climb, the goal

Paso marzo con muchas actividades....
Abril llega con la primavera, calor, sol y lluvia y atardeceres purpura en vez de rojizos.

My goal here is almost completed.
Closing time. closing circles.
Its almost time to go home, and leave home.

Y una vez mas cerca.

Mas cerca de mi meta. La meta. No solo se acaban estos 4 meses aqui en Miami.
Comienza cuenta regresiva para ser Doctora.

La verdad es que desde que comienzas la carrera, te consideras uno.

If am i afraid? Yes. But as im getting closer to it, as it becomes tangible the fear becomes smaller. insignificant.

A new life ahead? I dont know, maybe just a few small changes or a total 360 degrees turn up. Whatever it may come.

All i know is that what i wanted has never been so clear.

i'll hate to say goodbye to all the people i 've met
to all of those who supported me
helped me
And became friends or partners in crime.
I've always hated goodbyes. And once again i'll have to say it.

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