Phoenyx has been unleashed...
I was watching Xmen: Last Stand on friday night...
My favorite character is Jean Grey-Phoenyx...Thats why i got pissed off when they change her history. Let me say something.. Jean Grey no desarrollo un alter ego el cual ella llama Phoenyx, which is a class 5 mutant, no thats no it. Phoenyx is an ent from outer space.. That´s the real comic book story( feel free in correcting this fact) .
However im not gonna discuss such issues in this post.
This post is about humans duality of good and evil.
Actually, about having alter egos.. In the case of Jean,
Ella es uno de los mutantes mas poderosos, incluso quizas mas que el Prof. X,Such power could do her harm,and harm others.
Her alter ego, phoenyx, its untameable, full of all that animal instint.
But it was locked away, coz its dangerous.
Considero que muchas personas requieren reglas y normas para
vivir sin hacer daño y sin hacerse daño.
Sometimes too many unneccesary rules
Just fills us with fear and frustration
We are kept away. Parents, society, etc.. Hold us down
Para que no nos perjudiquemos.
Hay muchos de nosotros que hacen caso omiso a todo esto, Y dEJAN suelta toda esa personalidad animal. Siendo bastante hedonistas, y egoistas.
In such way hurting others.
Again this is other issue. Hence, im gonna talk about what really motivated me to write this.
Por lo anteriormente dicho, muchas veces, el miedo y la duda se apoderan de nosotros, por ello nos menospreciamos y no reconocemos nuestro verdadero potencial. Dejamos de creer en nosotros mismos por falta de seguridad.
Pq otras personas nos manipulan, nos encierran en una imagen mental de inutiles or babies.
We are worst because we let them.
Whenever you feel worthless ans useless. Look into your mind and soul.Ahi reside ese impulso , o fuerza de lograr lo que te propones. No deben dejar que nadie les marque su destino.
Coz at the end ¨iT is choice not chance that makes destiny¨
Let Your phoenyx be unleashed... And fly. Never settle for less if you always can have more.
pd: are you jean grey or phoenyx??
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