Sunday, March 20, 2005

The circle of life and death

The only thing we have for sure since the moment we get out of the womb is that we are all going to die. Some old, some young, due to illness or stupidness we all going to die. It the meantime, while we unconciously wait the black widow , we live and forget about it. They might be few that think they are inmortal and others seize the day. But to the rest of us, sometimes we like to posponed important issues in our lives. Yes, we do set aside a lot of things for tomorrow and even get stressed out for things that haven happened yet or they are just hypothetical.Anyways death surround us, the worst part is that i knew that it was near my birthday. Yesterday a good grandma died, she has suffered from a stroke for a year in bed.Without talking or moving she struggled for a year. To that wonderful person that lived long enough to see her great grandchildren, to go several times to disney world, i wish she rest in peace and that right now she´ll be in heaven. But the truth is that life goes on, and im sorry for her family that´s so dear to me and to my own family, but my life is still on and gonna celebrate my years to come next wednesday.Isnt ironic.? The thing is guys and girls that i kinda feel guilty about it, but as i said to my mom she lived her life fully, a very long life. Meanwhile im just starting mine and it was something that i had months preparing, (but i kinda expected that she died after my party so i wouldnt be in a very delicate position.)Ni modo seƱores.. estoy mas o menos en un encrucijada. asi que les agradeceria por favor que me envien sus comentarios , porque creo que lo mas importante uqe se me olvido mencionar es que esta senora es la madre de mi padrino, y que vive a dos casas de la mia.. por lo que se darian cuenta de la fiesta .. Pero de todas formas la fiesta sigue en pie... solo que con un chin luto. Cuidense y nos vemos el miercoles que viene en mi casa a partir de las 9.(Lleguen temprano que los conozcoooo)

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