Sunday, October 29, 2006

a scary halloween story..

This is the story
of 3 crazy people and more!!
Who get tickets for a bonche in the beach... From 10am -2am!
With no place to stay afterwards----
Find out what happens
when plans get messy,and other plans have to save the day!!
Ok, desde hace un mes Fusion Hallow´s Even se anunciaba, en esa misma semana se compraron las takillas VIP. Se comenzaron a plantear varias opciones, de si volver el mismo dia, de quedarse overnight and then where to stay was the obligatory question.
En el principio eramos 5 + virginia....Llamese, joselo, yorch,manu,clo y yo.En el carro de Jose. Virginia ( my best friend just in case u dont know) vendria con nosotros en caso de que alguien dropped out.Now we must look were to crash overnight , other issue. Of course la pregunta es el presupuesto? Bueno limitado...So hotels were overrated.
Amigos con casa y con espacio??? Just 2. But actually al final resulto ser ZERO, por lo que hay viene la parte de lo scary
Time was narrowing down AS well as the group: Two weeks!, one week, a day before the day, Still no place to sleep after!Durante esas dos semanas, Manu dijo que no iba, a clo le dio dengue y esta en etapa convalesciente. So habia espacio pa virginia. Luego a mitad de semana Virgie called me to tell me she was not going, that i must sell the ticket. I was very sad, coz this was the opportunity to enjoy Oakenfold together.
Yo tratando de convencerla de que vaya, de que hiciera todos sus arreglos para venir
temprano el domingo...
At the end she did find someone who was coming the same day. But her father
as mine, didnt like that.
(Total como quiera tuve que venir el mismo dia too.)
  • Saturday October 28th,2006:
  • Me levante temprano, compre par de survival junk food, finished my bags, and studied a little. Adrenalina en cantidades industriales.. For lots of reason im keeping to myself..

4:00 pm: The original departure time

The actually departure time: 4:30...

Buscar a yorch, despues a Galvez.

Ok, esperando que Galvez baje, Yorch se recuerda que dejo su taquilla en su casa.Y galvez ta esperando a que su hermanito decida o no comprar la otra taquilla( virgie´s)

De casa de galvez , nos paramos en KFC de la tiradentes, Galvez was talking to his friend, Yorch, joselo y yo en el carro viendo que tan celebrando un cumple de disfraces, Siendo el disfraz mas cool el de peter PAn. Tambien hablamos de la oferta de 10 pesos de KFC,. O sea todo el menu por 10, pesos... ( Is it really chicken??!!!)

De ahi, a un colmado a comprar tarjetas de llamadas pq no habia minutos, devuelta a casa de yorch, buscar takilla e irnos. Finally we were on our way at 5:00pm...

Ya en la autopista, Nos encontramos con un desvio, meternos por San Isidro. En ese momento, Joselo recibe una llamada a su cell, y el responde, ( conste que el esta manejando) His fathers tells him he´s in the area, SO, on our way we were going to stop and meet him.

( ES DECIR YO CONOCER A MI SUEGRO...hay mismito me taba dando una cosa..)

El mismo le comento que el bonche no taba tan full, que habia mucho parqueo y que have fun.

So at 6.00 pm we stop were he was, and chatted for a while.. Yep he´s cool jeje. After saying hi, and getting the usual comment of marriage, nos fuimos pa´l bonche.

Every second drawing near!! Llegamos y si efectivamente taba como que un chin vacio en comparacion con muchos otros.

Ya en la entrada nos encontramos con Vicz y Massiel, who were working there. as staff!

Despues el despelote por los glowsticks!! jiji Y sobraron muchisimos despues. Yo quiero otro :(

El VIP, taba mucho mejor, Y desde que llegamos, yo ubique

el silloncito donde descansar. Aunque despues encontramos unos foutons mejores !

Taba tocando Desyn Massiello.. 7.00pm( recuerdense que empezaba a las 10am-2 am)

Mucha gente fue disfrazada. Claro habia un concurso, despues a mi me dieron ganas de disfrazarme. pERO na! Coro tó.

Vi mucha gente , si pq me quede con los lentes. JEJE. Par de vueltas y de pasitos

A las 8.15: Are you guys hungry? lets have dinner...Opcion mas barata 150$ por un emparedado de pollo o de jamon y queso. Sin papas ni refresco.y Despues de comer muchos dulces...

Na a las 9, Viene Saritah y su novio, y nos invitan a su habitacion en el Coral Costa Caribe, a yorch,joselo y ami. So we went there, jthe guys had more food, i had drink. A las 10.15

de vuelta al lugar original.

Como a las 11.30 Entra Oakenfold, Aunque joselo no se percatara de ello. En este momento jose y yo tabamos atras bailando.

wHEN IM TELLING him, dude thats Oakenfold...

Then we move forward. Indeed it was Oakey!

Lo malo fue que solo duro hasta la 1:40. Por eso de la nueva ley....

Y ahi viene la parte de terror.,.........................

2AM IN THE middle of nowhere???

Que hacer?

Nothing much just wait.Til 3am

. Then leave in caravana.AS it was the safest way.

So we came back. And literally have a sleep over lol....

Im still dancing though!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Agricolo night!!!

I have to take out all my defenses...

Dado que me estan acabando por lo de la noche del agricolo en casa del teacher... En su blog el describe bien de que se trato todo..
Thank God there where no pictures...
So im gonna come clean!!
The truth is, que a pesar de que me lo advirtieron, y ya JOSELO vivio esa experiencia last year.. i just didnt paid attention.
RULE No. 1 : comer algo antes de ir al AGRICOLO...
i KNOW thats like a basic and shit,pero yo soy muy necia, so i just didnt do it...
Añadenle a eso que taba trasnochá del servicio y del bday de MItch del viernes.
Y sin los lentes yo me mareo!!! y me da sueño.ZZZZZZZZ
Ahi estan las razones por las cuales, despues de 10 shots de agricolo yo me recoste como por 5 mins en el sofa...( no fue que me eche a dormir como dicen.... ) y ademas yo taba conciente todo el tiempo, i didnt pass out, like Joselo did...(mi te love u) Pero na..
I just wanted to make that clear..
Pero si por beber mucho y dormirme me gane algo po na JEvy. Bring it.. ( Espero que sean $$$ pq tengo que comprar par de libros..)
If ill do it? Of course solo que comere primero.. Lots lots of sugar!!!
ps:!!3 days... Pa ver a los amigos y a Paul Oakenfold..
Getting ready to dance!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


It is very hard to admit being sick
Its hard to find out that how you feel can be due to an illness , a mental illness.
Its even harder to fight back.

The truth is depression is an alteration of state of mind. So only through mind cleaning you could deal with it.

The ugly part is the pain. That pain that u cant manage. It hurt just everywhere. and it hurts everyone around us.

The NICE part is that we are the only ones who could fix it. Its a choice really, every day to fight it. Chose between complaining or just embrace every opportunity as it comes.

But for a depressive person, insecurity is a mayor part of the problem. Its hard to make these type of choices, and then be full of anxiety. Then PAIN.

Anybody can be sad someday, cry the other. Mainly all women get like thise due to our lovely hormones. But Being depressed its 70% of 365 days being blue, pesismistic, cranky, insecure, apathic, etc... Be better off dead.

Its very sad, a lot of people suffer from any sort of emotional state disorder, and they dont realized that. Keep building a wall for defense, and hurting those who care the most.

No prozac its gonna change it,its more insight , decisions, and ways of thinking what helps.

Filling and existential void of a spoiled brat...

Its all about the choices we make. U either want to face the day or just die. Your choice.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Muchas veces sentimos que todo esta en su lugar...
Cuando eso nos pasa, ESTAMOS calmados, felices, idealistas.

Ahora mismo i feel like that, but ironically, just when i got what i desperatedly wanted, other people tried to destroy it. It annoys me !!

La gente no puede ver al otro estable, feliz. Siempre hay alguien que quiere cuquear las avispas!!!

Queria estar con alguien, to kill my loneliness, to feel loved. When i couldnt find that i decided to go away, change the view for awhile.

Now, i have you, then those who despise me, are flirting and tempting me,... Too late 4 them jjaj
But thats other story, the truth, is that i wanted to go so badly, it was my ticket out.

But ironically i had the worst timing for getting it. Now im accepted , now im leaving, Now i have you. And then i most leave you. Isnt it ironic.

Blessed shall be this irony!!
Coz irony has become my life!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Phoenyx has been unleashed...

I was watching Xmen: Last Stand on friday night...
My favorite character is Jean Grey-Phoenyx...Thats why i got pissed off when they change her history. Let me say something.. Jean Grey no desarrollo un alter ego el cual ella llama Phoenyx, which is a class 5 mutant, no thats no it. Phoenyx is an ent from outer space.. That´s the real comic book story( feel free in correcting this fact) .
However im not gonna discuss such issues in this post.
This post is about humans duality of good and evil.
Actually, about having alter egos.. In the case of Jean,
Ella es uno de los mutantes mas poderosos, incluso quizas mas que el Prof. X,Such power could do her harm,and harm others.
Her alter ego, phoenyx, its untameable, full of all that animal instint.
But it was locked away, coz its dangerous.
Considero que muchas personas requieren reglas y normas para
vivir sin hacer daño y sin hacerse daño.
Sometimes too many unneccesary rules
Just fills us with fear and frustration
We are kept away. Parents, society, etc.. Hold us down
Para que no nos perjudiquemos.
Hay muchos de nosotros que hacen caso omiso a todo esto, Y dEJAN suelta toda esa personalidad animal. Siendo bastante hedonistas, y egoistas.
In such way hurting others.
Again this is other issue. Hence, im gonna talk about what really motivated me to write this.
Por lo anteriormente dicho, muchas veces, el miedo y la duda se apoderan de nosotros, por ello nos menospreciamos y no reconocemos nuestro verdadero potencial. Dejamos de creer en nosotros mismos por falta de seguridad.
Pq otras personas nos manipulan, nos encierran en una imagen mental de inutiles or babies.
We are worst because we let them.
Whenever you feel worthless ans useless. Look into your mind and soul.Ahi reside ese impulso , o fuerza de lograr lo que te propones. No deben dejar que nadie les marque su destino.
Coz at the end ¨iT is choice not chance that makes destiny¨
Let Your phoenyx be unleashed... And fly. Never settle for less if you always can have more.

pd: are you jean grey or phoenyx??

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a very nice gift...


By the end of this month...
total electronic extasis.
On your marks
get set...

pero por que???

Si yo fuera un desastre ambulante,
una mala estudiante
una drogadicta , ramera, desvergonzada...
A lo mejor ellos se dieran cuenta..
Pq mientras mejor me comporto, peor me tratan.


Conchale,! cuanto me atosigan sin razón, como si no confiaran en mi. Je ne suis plus un bebe, mais se comment je me sens.

Uncroyable!! Jái 22 ans et mon pere crois que jái 2 ans. Toujours me garde, toujours toujours.
Mais je veux qu´il me laisse-faire mon vie!!

nO HAY otra justificacion que la estupida sobreproteccion, y si le digo algo solo me saca en cara que como es posible que yo piense eso.. bla bla, es que me sofoca demasiado.. And i love him, pero i dont deserve so much fucking care!! If i´ll break its my fault not his. I wish he could understand it...
Thank God Im leaving.

Y despues me dicen que yo soy dependiente. Es que claro si es todo su culpa... Me hace sentir inutil. como que no pudiera defenderme, nunca voy aprender si no me sueltan. Y habra hechos inevitables, por mas que me guarden en una cajita de cristal...
Estoy JARTA de tanta maldita sobreproteccion..
Quiero caerme y romperme par de huesos... Si voy a tener un accidente manejando, lo voy a teener como sea... Si voy a hacer lo que sea lo hare hasta debajo de su custodia... TOY CANSADA... NO me merezco tanta desconfianza teñida de sobreproteccion, haciendome sentir inútil, dejando de hacer cosas que quiero pq tengo que ajustarme a un carro, a un horario.

I´ve been a good girl , i´ve done everything right, Im sick of this really.. 5 años con licencia y mi papa no quiere que vaya sola al hospital, ahora que ellos no van estar en la casa this weekend... Peor aun el llamo a mi tio pa que me lleve y me traiga!! OSEA 5 AÑOS CON licencia y mi papa no quiere que maneje sola!!1
Yo quiero que me parta un fucking rayo eso es lo que yo quiero.... Cada vez que yo veo gente mas joven que yo... con un maldito carro... y a mi coño todavia llevandome sin necesidad.......
El no entiende esa vaina, el dike cuidandome... lo que esta haciendo es mermando mi independencia, castrando mis alas..- COño.. TENGO PIKE....
Nadie sabe como se siente, pq nadie ha vivido esto. Yo definitivamente soy una buena pendeja.
eS MAS. Vua deja de escribi. me Kille..

Sunday, October 01, 2006

convetional ME

Most of my friends assume i was born in the wrong time.
Sometimes i think its true...

Its not that i hate technology, but as Alfredo would say im computer illiterate. Conste que hago mi esfuerzo para aprender..

Though i love todays music, i surely now my way to some classics of rock and roll

But most importantly i dont think like most people my generation. In fact i feel more comfortable with the behaviour of other era.

For those who ´ve seen me as a successfull doctor.
Dont be dissappointed with what im about to say here.
This is part of my Conventionalism.
Im afraid it´s not suitable for now..
¨I cant help
that i like to be kissed
And i cant help that i´d liked to be called Mrs.
This is my side, my conventional side.
My vintage disposition that i ´ll like to cook him dinner.
But who believes in forever... ¨
No es que no quisiera trabajar y estudiar y ser independiente.. But somehow.. esa imagen de housewive suits me. I want to get married, raised my kids, take care of my family, and my house. Unfortunately my career is very demanding... En este tiempo todo eso que quiero esta relegado en un segundo plano por la mayoria de las mujeres que trabajan y estudian.In fact most of them they just think in not getting married anytime soon.
Its extremely hard to get both things. But if i have to choose, ill definitely rather be a housewive, not desperate i hope, but caring, and supportive of my family. In a way i ´ve seen myself like this since i was a little girl.
But then again who believes thats possible. Im running against the flow as usual...
All i hear are comments against the sacred institution of marriage, I know im young, but i´ve gotta think about it at certain point. Coz time does pass by.

Am i too greedy for wanting all these?...